Agree. The sign that something is has hit the early majority is when it appears as an offering of the websites of the big consulting firms. And Microsoft packages it up.

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I created the Circle of Organisational Leadership back in 2001, and have been using it with our clients since then. It creates an ecosystem of leadership, not an egosystem. It creates all-around leadership, and a structure where everyone answers to something first, not someone. It allows for power and information to co-exist at the same table and organisations can flow like water to adapt to the ever-changing environments they find themselves in. It removes hierarchy and allows for coaches, not bosses.

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This certainly sounds like a valuable approach. Between this and another conversation I had recently, I'm getting a sense that ownership / self-leadership are key parts of future systems of work.

Could you see Circle of Organisational Leadership getting the widespread adoption that agile has seen?

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I would certainly hope so and more. I guess if I did a TedTalk and wrote a book on it it might get the attention it deserves. For now, all our clients' organisations are adopting this ecosystem of leadership.

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I would definitely read that book!

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Well I guess I should write it then ;)

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